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The color of the Bergamo Shepherd Dog's coat can be: grey, grey spotted, grey and black spotted, grey and white.
Grey and white is considered the most typical color, surely the most eye-catching.
It's also the most difficult color to obtain , for it's the result of a precise alchemy that often leads to more or less negative cases of depigmentation.
The selection which is at the moment being practiced on the Bergamo Shepherd Dog tends to eliminate excessively white pups; even though their presence within the litter is presumably a constant.
There are no precise statistical figures concerning this trend, only simple confidential information. This type of selection does not err on the side of superficiality, on the contrary it might err on the side of excessive rigour.
As we will explain more extensively when speaking about the color of the eyes of subjects which are mainly white, they don't appear to have flaws or any behavioral deviation that can justify their proscription. Instead, they appear to present problems when we consider them for reproduction. Their suitability for reproduction, in fact, is strongly influenced by the partner's characteristics, and sometimes not even the breeder's expertise can avoid the birth of blind, deaf or physically impaired pups.
On the other hand, white subjects are very beautiful to see and they are constantly preferred to subjects of other colors. All things considered, there isn't any real reason for this discrimination, especially if one considers that most of the people who own these dogs, even among the shepherds, don't raise litters.
- 'Zaino' Black. The color is homogeneous. A white spot on the bib is typical. Mating a grey subject to a black subject is the best way to obtain a well-pigmented litter.
- Isabella. It's a genetical rarity. It's an intense and uniform camel color, eventually with shades. Isabella-colored subjects are strongly pigmented and certainly typical. The color of the coat can be judged accurately at the age of 1-2 years, then begins the decolorization process at the extremities of the first taccole that have developed.
Whichever is the initial pigmentation, this begins gradually to bleach, taking on infinite shades that go from brown to red to silver.